
Who are we?

MY-KARE, My Korean Care, is the desire to share all the know-how of the K Beauty culture but also to promote the best Organic and Vegan Made in Korea cosmetic products.

Of Korean origin, living in France for some time, I had the idea of ​​founding MY-KARE following the first lockdown in March 2020.During this overwhelming moment, I felt the need to come back to myself, to take 'better' care of myself and I remembered the Korean beauty ritual I used to do when I was young with my family. Ritual that I had left aside for too long due to the frenzy of our personal and professional lives.

This resumption of the ritual was a real and tender return to my origins and very clearly, it did me good!

When I was younger, we met with my mother and my three sisters around a shared moment of Korean ritual. We used to chat, laugh and relax while taking care of our skin... We shared a moment of tranquility, to come back to ourselves, to our body, to our sensations, and thus to rejuvenate ourselves physically as a family. Finally, a pure moment of well-being.

Today I have this desire to share this Korean well-being that I experienced as a child and to offer you the experience with a selection of quality products and care, natural, Vegan or Organic from Korea.

MY-KARE gives access to these treatments from the other side of the world to initiate you and help you find a form of well-being and inner harmony.

'We create healthy beauty'

Hyun-Hee, fondatrice MY-KARE

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